Thursday, April 30, 2020

May blog post Schedule

Erin 2nd
Carson 14th
Warden 19th

Alyssa and John 24th
Evan and Carlin 25th

Others blog post
Mother's Day 10th
Memorial Day 25th

April blog recap

1. Katie and Travis officially courting
2. Easter 2020

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Bates Easter 2020

2020 Easter is more different then any other Easter celebration , where there were no church services in person only online services due to Covid-19 and it didn't   stop us from celebration the  resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Alyssa & John family

Michaela & Brandon 

Bradley, Kaci, Khloé

Erin & Chad Family 

Josie & Kolton family

Carlin and Evan Family

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Quarantine+Social Distancing

Due to Covid spreading all over the world things  with big crowds had to come to a stop like churches, birthday parties  to help slow the spread of Corona virus so to slow the spread of the virus we are ask to quarantine + social distancing. here are some pictures of the Family are doing while quarantining.

Alyssa & John with their daughters at their home church due
to the virus in person gatherings at churches canceled and some churches going

Carlin & Evan doing some walking with baby Layla while social distancing

Katie & Travis officially courting

Katie & Travis are officially courting