Friday, August 30, 2019

September Blog Schdule

Judson 15th
Brandon 15th
 Whitney 21st

Other blog post
September blog recap 30th
October blog schedule 30th

August Recap

1. Erin release her 5th album
2. Callie turned the big 10
3. Josie turned the big 20

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Bringing Up Bates returns this fall

Bringing Up Bates return to UPtv this fall  and here is little promo of what is going to happen next season . There is no date of when it will return once we find out will be happy to share it with you.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Callie turns 10

Happy Birthday Callie who turns double digit today
head over to our duggar blog to wish Jennifer a happy birthday 

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Willow's new born pictures

We are happy to share some of Willow's new born photos these were taken by Taryn Yager who been taken pictures of the Bates family, new born pic and 1st birthdays photos


5th Album

Erin has release her 5th album and it is full of Hymns and if you want to order a copy just click on the link.