Wednesday, July 31, 2019

August Blog Schdule

Callie 2nd
Josie 4th
Evan 24th
Nathan 29th

 Wedding anniversary
Michaella and Brandon's 15th

Other Blog Post
Septmber blog schedule 30th
August recap 30th

July Recap

1.Willow Kristy was born
2. Whitney and Erin both announce their gender and name of their little ones

Double the gender and Names

On both Erin and Whitney's instagram  page they announce the gender and name of their Daughters Erin is naming her  little one Holland Grace who is due in December and for Whitney she is naming her daughter Khloe Eileen who is due in November .

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Willow meets the family

Some of the Bates family got a chance to meet Willow here are some cute pictures
Lawson with Willow

Zach & Whitney with Willow

Michaela & Brandon with Willow

Katie with Willow

Trace with Willow

Friday, July 19, 2019

Willow Kristy is here

We are please announce that Josie and Kelton welcomed their daughter into the world today at 2:23 a.m. and at  measuring 19 inches long and weighing in at 6 lbs., 10 oz.

Josie and Kelton with baby Willow

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Bates 4th of July 2019

Every 4th of July the family goes to North Carolina and here are some pictures
Lawson & Kaci

Alyssa and John's family

Erin & Chad's family


Zach & Whiteny's family

Evan and Zach

The grandkids